Monday 21 July 2014


1. Import: Export: : Expenditure: ? 
(A) Deficit (B)Revenue (C)Debt (D)Tax 

Ans: (B)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms.

2. Hill : Mountain: : Stream: ?
(A) River (B)Canal (C) Glacier (D) Avalanche 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is bigger form of first.

3. Country: President: : State: ?
(A) Governor (B)Minister (C)Chief minister (D)Citizen 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: President and Governor are the nominal heads of country and state respectively.

4. Bread: Yeast: : Curd: ?
(A)Fungi (B)Bacteria (C)Germs(D)Virus 

Ans: (B)
Explanation: First is produced by the action of the second.

 5. Court: Justice: : School: ?
(A) Teacher (B)Student (C)Ignorance (D)Education 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is the place where the second is imparted. 

6. Quartz: Radio : : Gypsum: ?
(A)Glass (B)Porcelain (C)Cement (D)Powder 

Explanation: First is used to make the second.

7. Chromite: Chromium: : Ilmenite:? 
(A)Limestone (B)Cobalt (C)Manganese (D)Titanium 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: Chromite is a mineral of chromium and ilmenite is a mineral of titanium

8. Command: Order: : Confusion: ? 
(A)Discipline (B)Clarity (C)Choas (D)Problem 

Ans: (C)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms.

9. Ruby: Red: : Sapphire: ?
(A) Blue (B)White (C) Green (D)Silver 

Ans: (A)
red precious stone and sapphire is a blue precious stone.

10. House: Garbage: : Ore: ? 
(A)Rubbish (B)Gangue (C)Sand (D)Dregs 

Ans: (B)

Explanation: The waste of the house is called garbage .Similarly ,the impurities in the ore are called gangue.

11. HongKong : China: : Vatican: ?
(A)Rome (B)Mexico (C)Canada (D)Christianity 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: HongKong is a city in China .Similarly ,Vatican is a city in Rome.

12. Stee : Rails: : Alnico: ?
(A) Aircraft (B)Machinery (C)Silver ware (D)Magnets 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is used to makes the second.

13. Poodle: Dog: : Moose: ? 
(A)Duck (B)Donkey (C) Fowl (D)Deer 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: Poodle is a bread of dog and moose is a bread of deer.

14. Push: Pull: : Throw: ? 
(A)Jump (B)Collect (C)Pick (D)Game 

Ans: (C) 
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms.

15. Naphthalene: Coal tar: : Dyes : ?
(A) Petroleum (B)Oils (C)Chemicals (D)Carbon 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: First is Obtained from the second. 

16. Darwin: Evolution: : Archimedes: ?
(A) Friction (B)Lubrication (C)Buoyancy (D)Liquid

Ans: (C)
Explanation: Darwin gave the theory if evolution ,Like wise Archimedes gave the theory of buoyancy.

17. Hot: Oven: : Cold: ?
(A)Ice cream (B)Air conditioner (C) Show (D)Refrigerator 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: An oven is an appliance to keep the food-items hot ,similarly a refrigerator keeps food-items cold.

18. Conference: Chairman: : Newspaper: ?

(A) Reporter (B)Distributer (C) Painter (D)Editor 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: Chairman is the highest authority in a conference .Similarly editor is the highest authority in a news paper agency.

19. Drama: Stage: : Tennis: ?
(A) Tournament (B)Net (C)Court (D) Racket 

Ans: (C)
Explanation:A drama ia performed on a stage .Similarly tennis is payed on the court

20. Tree: Forest: Grass: ? 
(A)Lawn (B)Field (C)Garden (D)Farm 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: A forest consists of trees and a lawn is made up of grass.

21. Giant: Dwarf: : Genius: ?
(A) Wicked (B)Gentle (C)Idiot (D)Tiny

Explanation: The words in each pair are opppsite of each other. 

22. Bank: River: : Coast: ?
(A)Flood (B)Waves (C)Sea (D)Beach

Ans: (C)
Explanation: Bank is the land beside the river .Similarly coast is the land beside the sea.

23. Flower: Butterfly: : Dirt: ? 
(A)Rats (B)Fly (C)Bugs (D)Sweeper 

Ans: (B)
Explanation: First attracts the second.

24. Malaria: Disease: : Spear: ?
(A) Wound (B)Sword (C)Weapon (D)Death 
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second denotes the class to which the first belongs to

25. Matricide: Mother: : Homicide: ?
(A) Human (B)Children (C)Father (D)Apes 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: First implices killing the second. 

26. Food: Stomach: : Fuel: ?
(A) Plane (B)truck (C)Engine (D)Automobile 

Ans: (C)
Explanation: Food is processed by the stomach to provide energy for functioning the body .Similarly Fuel is processed by the engine to provide energy for the functioning of automobiles.

27. Quail: Partridges: : Yak: ?
(A)Cows (B)Deer (C)Oxen (D)Antelope 

Ans : (C)
Explanation: First belongs to the family of second.

28. Engineer: Map: : Bricklayer: ? 
(A)Design (B)Template (C)Mould (D) Cement 

Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second gives pattern to be followed by the first.

29. Fire: Ashes: : Explosion: ? 
(A)Flame (B)Death (C)Sound (D)Debris 

Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the name given to the remains left after the first

30. Pesticide: Crop : :Antiseptic : ? 
(A) Wound (B)Clothing (C)Bandage (D)Bleeding 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: Pesticide protects crops from insects and antiseptic protects wound from germs .

31. King: Throne: : Rider: ?
(A)Seat (B)Horse (C)Saddle (D)Chair 

Ans: (C)
Explanation: A king sits on throne and a rider on a saddle. 

32. Ocean: Water: : Glacier: ?
(A) Refrigerator (B)Ice (C) Mountain (D)Cave Explanation

Ans: (B)
Explanation: First consists of the second.

33. Reluctant: Keen: : Remarkable: ?
(A)Usual (B)Restrained (C) Striking (D)Evolution 

Ans: (A)
Explanation: the words in each pair are antonyms
34. Sculptor: Statue: : Poet: ? (A)Canvas (B)Pen (C)Verse (D)Chisel 

Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second is prepared by the first.

35. Fossils: Creatures: : Mummies: ?
(A)Egypt (B)Human beings (C)Animals (D)Martyrs 

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Fossils are the remains of the creatures .Similarly mummies are the remains of human beings . 

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