Friday 25 July 2014

General scence: Osteology (Important Points)

· The study of bones is called – Osteology .
· Bones are chemically made up of calcium phosphate.
· Tatal no. of the bones in the body is 206. But at the time of the birth no. of bones is much more then the adult( 100 aprox more).
· Longest bones of the body is femur (thigh bone).
· Smallest bone of body is stapes ( in ear).
· Ear has three bones; Mallius, Stapes, Inches,.
· A single bone is presented a t the base of tounge is called Hyoid bone.
· Ribs(pasliya) 12 pairs- 24
· Asingle bone joins to ribs called Sternum (front bone)
· Exernal ear is called “Pinna”. Boneless. Part made up of cartilage.
· Cartilage is the boneless, flexible, very strong part of body. Eg. Tip of nose, esternal ear
· Upper arms has single bone called humerus.
· Lower arm has two bones – radius + ulna
· Knee cap has single bone – called Patela
· Lower legs has two bones- called tibia and fibula.
· Tendous joins muscles to bones (vip)
· Ligament jons bones to bones (vip)
· Lower two paires of ribs called floating ribs.
· Osteomalacia disease of bone is softening of bones
· Arthritics is an inflammation of bone joints
· Gout- Deposition of uric acid. Symptom- pain in toes.

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