Thursday 24 July 2014

MCQ of SSC General Knowledge Question : Set 2

21. If any State Government fails to comply with or to give effect to any direction given by the 
Union Government, who can come to conclusion that a situation has arisen in which the State 
cannot carry out governance in accordance with the provision in the Constituion 
(A) President 
(B) Prime Minister 
(C) Home Minister 
(D) Supreme Court 

22. Under Article 365 what are the duties of the Union Government with respect to State 
(A) Ensure that every State Minister should act in accordance with the advice of Chief Minister 
(B) Ensure that Governor acts under advice of the Chief Minister 
(C) Ensure that Governance in the State is in accordance with the Constitution 
(D) All of the above 

23. What is the meaning of Foreign State as given in our Indian Constitution 
(A) Federal State 
(B) Commonwealth State 
(C) Nation 
(D) Any State other than India 

24. Which Constitutional article defines the work of Administrative Tribunal
(A) Article 323A 
(B) Article 233B 
(C) Article 223B 
(D) None of the above 

25. Under which part of the Constitution, Tribunals have been defined 
(A) Part Four 
(B) Part Seven 
(C) Part Fifteen 
(D) Part Ten 

26. What is the period laid down by the Constitution before the proposal for removal of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of LokSabha can be taken up by a resolution in the LokSabha 
(A) 15 Days 
(B) 18 Days 
(C) 16 Days 
(D) 14 Days 

27. In LokSabha, who can not preside in the House while a Resolution for Removal from his office is under consideration
(A) Speaker 
(B) Deputy Speaker 
(C) A & B 
(D) None of the above 

28. Under which Article Salaries and allowances of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya 
Sabha and Speaker and Deputy Speaker of LokSabha are mentioned
(A) 97 
(B) 96 
(C) 95 
(D) 94 

29. Which Article mentions the conduct of business of the Houses of Parliament 
(A) 99 
(B) 100 
(C) A & B 
(D) None of the above 

30. Who appoints each member of either of the Houses of the Parliament after notification is received from the Election Commission 
(A) President 
(B) Speaker of LokSabha 
(C) Chairman of RajyaSabha 
(D) Prime Minister 

31. Who shall not give vote in the first instance in either of the Houses of Parliament 
(A) Speaker 
(B) Chairman 
(C) A & B 
(D) None of the above 

32. When Speaker and Chairman shall give their votes on the Parliament. 
(A) When Prime Minister asks them to give vote on the Bill 
(B) When the House passes such a resolution 
(C) In the case of a tie between Yes and No 
(D) All the above 

33. What is the Quorum laid down to constitute a meeting of either of the Houses of 
(A) one-tenth of the total number of members of that House
(B) one-fourth of the total number of members of that House 
(C) one-fifth of the total number of members of that House 
(D) one-half of the total number of members of that House 

34. Which Article mentions disqualification of members in the Parliament 
(A) Article 101 to Article 104 
(B) Article 101 to Articles 105 
(C) Article 102 to Article 106 
(D) Article 106 to Article 110 

35. LokSabha has the supremacy in which matter
(A) Railway Budget 
(B) Defence Budget 
(C) Foreign affairs 
(D) Financial Bill 

36. Normally, what kind of session does the Parliament hold
(A) Budget session 
(B) Monsoon session 
(C) Winter session 
(D) All the above 

37. Which session of the year, President addresses both the Houses of Parliament 
(A) First session (Budget) 
(B) Second session (Monsoon) 
(C) Third session (Winter) 
(D) None of the above 

38. In which session of Parliament, Railway and General Budgets are presented
(A) Monsoon session 
(B) First session 
(C) Winter session 
(D) None of the above 

39. What is the meaning of the adjournment motion under Parliamentary procedure
(A) Member draws attention regarding important subject-matter 
(B) Member wants the House to discuss his subject-matter 
(C) Member wants to raise complicated issue 
(D) Member wants to draw the attention of the House to way recent matter of urgent public 
importance having serious consequences. 

40. Who has the power to accept adjournment in the House 
(A) Prime Minister 
(B) Home Minister 
(C) Speaker in the LokSabha and Chairman in the RajyaSabha 
(D) All the above 


Answers : 
21.(A) 22.(C) 23.(D) 24.(A) 25.(C) 26.(D) 27.(C) 28.(A) 29.(C) 30.(A) 31.(C) 32.(C) 33.(A) 34.(A) 35.(D) 36.(D) 37.(A) 38.(B) 39.(D) 40.(C) 

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