Thursday 24 July 2014

MCQ of SSC General Knowledge Question : Set 5

81. How may Standing Committees are there in LokSabha
(A) 14 
(B) 15 
(C) 15 
(D) 18 .

82. Standing Committees in LokSabhaare
(A) Business Advisory Committee & Committee of Privileges 
(B) Committee on Absence of Members from the sitting of the House & Committee on 
(C) Committee on Government assurances and Committee on papers laid on the Table 
(D) All the above 

83. Financial Committees in LokSabhaare 
(A) Committee on Estimates 
(B) Public Accounts Committee 
(C) Public Undertaking Committee 
(D) All the above 

84. Ad hoc Committees in Parliament are
(A) Committee on Draft Five Year Plan, etc. 
(B) Committee in the conduct of certain members during the President Address (C) Select or 
Joint Committee on Bills 
(D) All the above 

85. Who appoints Ad hoc Committee on Parliament 
(A) Speaker of LokSabha 
(B) Chairman of RajyaSabha 
(C) A & B 
(D) None of the above 

86. By which procedure the Indian President and American President are elected as laid down 
by their country's constitution 
(A) Elected through Member of Legislature 
(B) Elected by the People 
(C) Elected by State Legislatures 
(D) Elected by an Electoral College 

87. In what way our Indian Parliament is not Sovereign or Supreme with respect to the 
(A) In the Preamble, Constitution of India defines people of India as Sovereign 
(B) Written Constitution of India 
(C) Separation of Power and Checks and Blanees between the three constitutional organ 
(D) All the above 

88. Who has said that basic features of the Indian Constitution do not amount to a change 
(A) Prime Minister 
(B) Parliament 
(C) Supreme Court of India 
(D) Government .

89. What is the nature of India's political system 
(A) Presidential System 
(B) Parliamentary System 
(C) A & B 
(D) None of the above 

90. Which Constitutional Article was very much affected in the Supreme Court Judgement of 
Kesavanand Bharti vs. State of Kerala 
(A) Article 352 
(B) Article 368 
(C) Article 351 
(D) Article 342 

91. Which constitutional article emopowers amendment in the Constitution of India
(A) Article 368 
(B) Article 356 
(C) Article 357 
(D) Article 359 

92. Which constitutional organ has the power to amend Constitution of India 
(A) Judiciary 
(B) Executive 
(C) Legislative 
(D) Parliament 

93. On which subject, Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution and the same also 
need ratification by the State Legislature 
(A) Articles 54, 55, 73, 162 and 241 or Chapter IV of Part V, Chapter V of Part VI or Chapter I of 
Part XI 
(B) Any of the Lists in the Seventh Schedules of the representation of State on Parliament 
(C) The Provisions of Article 368 
(D) All the above 

94. Under which Constitutional Amendment Act, Article 368 of the Constitution was amended 
for the first time 
(A) 25th Amendment Act 
(B) 26th Amendment Act 
(C) 24th Amendment Act 
(D) 27th Amendment Act 

95. Which Supreme Court Judgement pronounced that Fundamental Rights cannot be 
(A) GolakNath vs. State of Punjab A.I.R. 1967 S.C. 1643 
(B) Kesavanand Bharti vs. State of Kerala A.I.R. 1973 S.C. 1961 
(C) Indira Gandhi vs. Rajnarain A.I.R. 1975 S.C. 2299 
(D) None of the above 

96. Who curbed the Judicial Review power of Judiciary through Amendment of the 
(A) State Legislature 
(B) Parliament 
(C) Council of State 
(D) Legislative Council 

97. Who restored the Judicial Review power of Judiciary under Indian Constitution 
(A) Supreme Court of India 
(B) High Court 
(C) Chief Metropolitan Magistrate 
(D) District Court 

98. In which House, Janta Government failed to secure two-third majority for new clause under 
Article 368 for introducing referendum for effecting changes in certain logic features of the 
(A) Legislative Council 
(B) State Legislature 
(C) State Assembly 
(D) RajyaSabha 

99. Who said in his judgement that no part of our Constitution is unamendable
(A) Allahabad High Court 
(B) Calcutta High Court 
(C) Madras High Court 
(D) Supreme Court of India 

100. What was the important landmark judgement regarding amendment of the Constitution 
(Article 368) 
(A) Shankari Prasad vs. Union of India 
(B) GolakNathvs State of Punjab 
(C) Kesavanandavs State of Kerala, Minerva Mill vs. Union of India 
(D) All the above 


Answers : 
81.(D) 82.(D) 83.(D) 84.(D) 85.(C) 86.(D) 87.(D) 88.(C) 89.(B) 90.(B) 91.(A) 92.(D) 93.(D) 94.(C) 95.(A) 96.(B) 97.(A) 98.(D) 99.(D) 100.(D)

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