Tuesday 22 July 2014



In such type of questions, clues are given regarding comparisons among a set of persons or things with respect to one or more qualities. The candidate is required to analyse the whole information, from a proper ascending/descending sequence and then answer the given questions accordingly.

Read the following information and answer thequestions given below it:

There are five friends Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Anuj and Rohan. Sachin ia shorter than Kunal but taller than Rohan. Mohit is tallest. Anuj is a little shorter than Kunal an little taller than Sachin.

1.Who is the shortest?

(a) Rohan
(b) Sachin
(c) Anuj
(d) Kunal
(e) None of these

2.1f they stand in the order of their heights, who will be in the middle?

(a) Kunal
(b) Rohan
(c) Sachin
(d) Anuj
(e) None of these

3.1f they stand in the order of increasing heights, who will be the second?

(a) Anuj
(b) Sachin
(c) Rohan

(d) Kunal
(e) None of these

4.Who is the second tallest?

(a) Sachin
(b) Kunal
(c) Anuj
(d) Rohan
(e) None of these

5.Who is taller than Anuj but shorter than Mohit? 

(a) Kunal
(b) Rohan
(c) Sachin
(d) Date Inadequate
(e) None

Let us denote the five boys by the first
letter of their names, namely S, K, M, A and R.
Then , R < S < K < M and S < A < K
R < S < A < K < M

Answer for 1st question is (a), Rohan is shortest.
Answer for 2nd question is (d), Anuj is in the middle.
Answer for 3rd question is (b), In the order of increasing heights i,e shortest to tallest, Sachin is second.
Answer for 4th question is (b). Kunal is second tallest.
Answer for 5th question is (a), Kunal is taller than Anuj but shorter than Mohit.

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