Monday 21 July 2014

Synonyms Starts from D

Synonyms- D

l)Dabble : Work at in a non serious fashion ,splash around
Usage:The amateur painter dabbled at art, but seldom produced 
a finished pece.

2)Dally :Tr***** with.
Usage: Lourdes told Ophelia that Hamlet would only dally with
her affections.

3)Dank :Damp
Usage:The walls of the dungeon were dank and slimy

4)Dappled : Neat and trim
Usage:The odd couple Nimmy played Felix, an excessively
dapper soul who could not stand to have a hair out the wall.

5)Daub :Smear
Usage: From the way he daubed his paint on the canvas, I
could tell he knew nothing of oils.

6)Daunt: frighten
Usage: 'Boast all you like your prowess mere word cannot
daunt me,' the hero answered the villain

7)Debris :rubble
Usage:a full year after the earthquake in Mexico city,
workers were still carting a way the debris.

8)Dawdle :loiter, waste time
Usage:we have to meet a dead line don't dawdle. Just get
down to work

Usage:The dearth of skilled labor compelled the
employers to open trade schools.

l0)Decant:pour of gently
Usage:Be sure to decant this wine before serving it.

Usage:They did not hand Lady Jane ;they decapitated
her."off with her head", cried the Ouches, eager to
decapitate poor Alice

Usage:I could not decipher the doctor's hand writing.

13)Declivity :Downward slope
Usage:The children loved to skid down the declivity.

14)Deface:Mar, Disfigure.
Usage: If you deface a library book you have to pay a hefty fine.

15)Decoy : Lure or bait
Usage:the wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy 

16)Defile:Pollute, profane
Usage:the hand looms defiled the church with their
scurrilous writings.

17)Descry :catch site of
Usage:In the distance, we could darely descry the enemy

18)Derogatory: expressing a low opinion
Usage:I resent your derpgatory remarks.

19)Dirge :layment with music
Usage:the funeral dirge stirred us to tears.


Usage:The King's diadem was on display at the museum 

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