Monday 21 July 2014


Global Offices

In addition to its headquarters and delivery center in Teaneck, N.J., Cognizant has five additional delivery centers in the United States of America: Bentonville, Arkansas; Bridgewater, New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois; Holliston, Massachusetts; and Phoenix, Arizona

The company also has local, regional and global delivery centers in the UK, Europe, India, China, The Philippines, Canada, Argentina, and Mexico.

The majority of the company’s employees are based in India: Chennai, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Gurgaon and Cochin.

Cognizant Placement Procedure 

4 Rounds: 
  1. Written, 
  2. GD, 
  3. Technical Interview
  4. HR 

1st Round: 
Written test 55 Questions in 60 Minutes, 3 sections: No -ve mark, and no Sectional cut off mark.
English: Prepositions, articles and Synonyms Reading comprehensions from technical topic like Embedded System, CGI (common gateway interface)
Reasoning: some reasoning questions like Interview Selection under some conditions Replacing problems 1 with $ and 0 with * in binary code.and /stands for *, + stands for /, - stands for % then find the statement which is true among 4 ?changing the places of alphabets in a word. one other reasoning type Questions.
Quantitative: Venn diagram, Data sufficiency like if 1) 2a/3b = 5/6 2) 2A+B=35 then can we predict the value of A and B? Rank Questions Some Lift problems like if a building with Ground + 30 floor has 2 lifts. 1 lift will stops on alternate floor and another lift stops on every floor then when they will meet on a floor each other?

1.Find Odd Figure
2-3.choose conclusion that logically follows
4-5.choose the inference
6-7.logical statement
8-9.statement conclusion
14-17.coding alphabets
18-21.find next figure in the series
22-24.choose the similar image from given interpretation
29-30.logical statement
31-32.choose correct sentence
33-37.passage comprehension
38-42.passage comprehension
43.identify correct sentence
44-46.identify incorrect statements
47-51.jumbled sentences
52.identify correct sentence

53-55.identify incorrect sentences

2nd Round: GD
Each batch consists of 12 to 15 people. 8 or 9 got selected.
They only checking on Communication skills and Group dynamics.
Speak confidently but not over confidently.. don't interrupt others..
Be patience until ur chance... if didn't got a chance no problem, finally they point out and ask you to speak.

On that time if you excel only one good point in confident, then you will be selected.

3rd Round: Technical Interview
Asking About yourself ?
Easy only... not like first and second round.
Basic C Programs like Fibonacci series, prime, palindrome etc...
OS concepts (semaphore, deadlock, Interrupts) Database concepts,
Be confident.. their approach very decent and motivated manner only.

Final Round: HR Interview
HR's are very very friendly. They asking about yourself, family, why cts, about cts, ur roll model.. very very general only.
So guys i hope this will give at least a little bit exposure to you...
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