Saturday 26 July 2014

ODD MAN OUT (Classification) PROBLEM SET-2

21) A) Flute B) Giutar C) Sitar D) VIolin E) Veena

Ans:- (A)
Exp:- All except flute are string Instruments.

22) A) December B) February C) March D) July E) May

Ans:- (B)
Exp:- All except February has 31 days .While February has 28 or 29 days.

23) A) Tomato B) Cucumber C)Peas D) Cabbage E) Potato

Ans:- ( E)
Exp:- All except potato can be eaten raw.

24) A) Uncle B) Nephew C) Brother D)Cousin E) Niece

Ans:- ( C )
Exp:- All except Brother are related to parents, Brothers and sisters.

25) A) Table B) Cupboard C) Chair D) Sofa E) Paper weight

Ans:- (E)
Exp:- All except paper weight are items of furniture.

26) A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Columbus D) Bhaskara

Ans:- ( C )
Exp:- All except Columbus are Austronomers , while columbus is an explorer.

27) A) Producer B) Director C) Investor D) Financier E) Enterpreneur

Ans:- (A)
Exp:- All except director spend money

28) A) Pony B) Kitten C) Pig D) Larva

Ans:- ( C)
Exp:- All except pig are younger ones of the animals .while younger one of pig is Forrow.

29) A) Chorus B) Boquet C) Flock D) Cattle

Ans:- ( D)
Exp:- All except cattle are group, while group of cattle is herd.

30) A) Oracle B) Linux C) Ingress D) DB2

Ans:- ( B)
Exp:-AII except Linux are databases while Linux is an Operating System.

31) A) Linux B) Unix C) SOLARIS D) SQL Server

Ans:- ( D)
Exp:- All except SQL server are Operating Systems while SQL is a Database

32) A) Ode B) Lyric C) Sonnet D) Limerick E) Epic

Ans:- ( E)
Exp:- All except epic are different forms of Poem.

33) A) Baboon B) Gibbon C) Chimpanzee D) Gorilla E) Jaguar

Ans:- ( E )
Exp:- All except Jaguar are different species of monkeys or apes while jaguar belongs to the Cat family.

34) A) Ruffian B) Criminal C) Gangstar D) Paragon E) Pirate 

Ans:- ( D)
Exp:- All except paragon are Evil-doers.

35) A) Cow B) Deer C) Donkey D) Rhinoceros E) Goat

Ans:- ( C )
Exp:- All except Donkey have Horns.

36) A) Bake B) Peel C) Boil D) Fry E) Roast

Ans:- (B)
Exp:- All except Peel are forms of Cooking.

37) A) Island B) Coast C) Harbour D) Oasis E) Peninsula

Ans:- (D)
Exp:- All except Oasis are features related to area to sea while Oasis related to Desert.

38) A) Reader B) Writer C) Printer D) Publisher E) Reporter

Ans:- ( A )
Exp:- All except Reader are persons involved in the preparation of a journal, news paper or Magazine.

39) A) Spade B) Spanner C) Shovel D) Rake E) Pick-axe

Ans:- ( B)
Exp:- All except spanner are tools used by a gardener while a spanner is used by Carpenter.

40) A) Mew B) Howl C)Bark D) Grunt E) Shout

Ans:- ( E)
Exp:-AII except shout are sounds made by Animals. 

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