Monday 21 July 2014

Synonyms Starts from B

Synonyms- B

Shakespeare is a great poet(Bard).

2.Boretaced:Shameless,bold Shocked by Huck finn's boretaced lies,Miss Watson prayed the good lord would give him a sense of his regenerate dickedness.

3.Bask:luxuriate,take pleasure in warmth.
Basking on the beach, she relaxed so completely that shell fell asleep. 

4.Bate:let down,restrain.
Until it was to open the presents, the children had to bate their curiosity.

5.Beatific:giving bliss,blissful.
The beatificsmile on the child's face made us very happy. 

6.Beeline:Direct,Quick route.
As soon as the movie was over,jim made a beeline for the exit. 

7.Behoove:Be suited to.
In this time of crisis,it behooves all of us to remain calm and await the instruction of our superiors. 

8.Belie:Contradict,give a false impression.
His coarse,hard bitten exterior belied his innate sensitivity. 

9 Bestow: Conter.
He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero. 

10.B ilk: S windle, Cheat.
The Con man specialized in bilking insurance companies. 

11.Bland:Soothing or mild,agreeable.
Jill tried a bland ointment for her sun burn. 

12.Blanch:Bleach, whiten.

Although age had blanched his hair,he was still energetic.

13. Bicker:Quarrel.
The children bickered morning, noon and night ,exasperating their parents.

14.Blurt:utter impulsively.
Before she could stop him,he blurted out the news. 

15 .Boon: blessing, benefit.
The recent rains that filled our empty reservoirs were a boon to the whole community. 

16.Brawn:Muscular strenght,sturdiness.
It takes brawnto become a champion weight-lifter. 

The dean would brook no interference with his disciplinnary actions.

18.Brittle:easily broken,difficult.
My employer's brittle personality made it difficult for me to get along with her.

19.Broach:lntroduce,open up.
He did not even try to broach the subject.

Her brazen contempt for authority angered the --- 

21.Brandish: Wave around,Hourish.
Doctor watson wildly brandished his gun until Holmes told him to put the thing away before he shot himself.

22.Brunt:Main impact or shock.
Tom sawyer claimed credit for painting the fence,but the brunt of the work fell on others.

23.Brackish:Somewhat saline,
He found the only wells in the area were brackish. 

24.Bizarre:Fantastic, violently contrating.
The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed. 

While in bivouac, we spent the night in our sleeping bags under the stars.

The school bully baited the smaller children. 

27.Babble:Chatter idly.
The little girl babbled about her doll.

28.Balk:Stop short, as it faced with an obstacle and refuse to continue.
The cheif of police balked at sending his officers into the riot torn area. 

29.Banal:hackneyed,commonplace,trite,lacking originality. He even resorted to the banality of having someone slip on a banana peel!

30.Beneficent:Kindly,doing good.

The overgenerous philanthropist had to curb his beneficent impulses before he gave away all his money and left himself with nothing. 

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