Monday 21 July 2014

Synonyms Starts from C

Synonyms- C

l)Cacophonous Discardant,Inharmonious
Usage:Some of th students in the orchestra enjoy the cacophonous sounds .

2)Capricious Unpredctable,steadfast
UsageThe storm was capricious changed couse constantly

3)Castigation Punishment, severe criticism, commendation 
Usage:Woolf could not bear the castigation that she faced in certain reviews.

4) Catalyst :Agent that brings about chemical change while it remains uneffected and unchanged
Usage:Many chemical reactions can't take place without the presence of a catalyst

5) Cache: Hiding place
Usage : The dective followed the suspect until he led them to the cache where he had store his loot.

Usage: In both the cases the judge shows how callow he was.

7) Chast :Pure,modest.outspoken
Usage:The crusader had her fitted out with a chaste-belt.

8)Coagulate :Thicken , clot
Usage:Even after u remove the pudding from the bushes, it will continue to coagulate as it stands.

9)Coda :Concluding section of a musical composition
Usage:The piece concluded with distinctive coda that strikingly brought together various motifs.

l0)Connoisseur :Person competent to act as judge of art,A lover of an art.

Usage:She had developed into a connoisseur of fine ---. 

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