Saturday 26 July 2014

Top-10 Richest Countries

1. QATAR: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $88,222....
2. LUXEMBOURG: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $81,466....
3. SINGAPORE: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 56,694.....
4. NORWAY: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 51,959.....
5. BRUNEI: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 48,333....
6. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 47,439......
7. UNITED STATES: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 46,860......
8. HONG KONG: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $45,944.....
9. SWITZERLAND: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 41,950.....
10. NETHERLANDS: The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is 40,973....

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